
Electromagnetic Protection:

The Amega Wand:

For those who do not wish to have to worry about how to see or use techniques to clear the chakras, one can buy a wand, though they are expensive at $298.00 USD plus shipping & handling(price subject to change). The wand is also used to help with pain and other issues. See the video below. Feel free to contact us at if you would like to purchase or for more information or see here>> for more information.

Amega Wands Effects as viewed in live blood testing

Qlink Products

Click pictures for more details or to purchase>> Products range in price from $24.00 (acrylic)  - $1199.00 (gold)

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Chakra Alignment Mist

Contents: A Divine Ideal blend of Seven Sacred Chakra Oils from Aswan, Egypt, Lourdes Water, Blessings from the Masters of Light within the Ascended Master Temple on Mount Sinai and a divine sanctification from the Creator.

Directions: This Chakra Alignment Mist™ has a vibration that is immeasurable. It may be misted throughout your auric field to align your chakras and to restore, focus, clarity and serenity.

2 ounce: $30 USD (plus shipping)
4 ounce: $45 USD (plus shipping)

Email us to purchase: 

EFT Divination and Chakra Deck

EFT divination cards are here! For those who don't feel comfortable with muscle testing or who wish to use them in conjunction with muscle testing, these divination cards are now available! I use them in my own work as a practitioner to catch hidden blocks, dehydration, need for cross crawls, neurological disorganization correction or treatment for Massive PR and other blocking factors. I've even included a few Theta Healing blocks that can come up.

These cards are strictly words and a color object in the center (for determining a chakra to work with, if choosing to use the cards this way), rather than images. This is to help those who may not be expert intuitives but who want a tool to help them to read simply with less guessing.

If you would like to see or use the deck for free and online see here>>. If you are an EFT practitioner or wish to sell this deck, feel free to inquire or sign up for the affiliate program. If you wish to encorporate the EFT deck into your site, see the iframe code on the link to us page. If you wish to combine both affiliate program and iframes, please contact me for more information.

Deck with Mini Booklet
$12.00 US + Shipping
Deck Without Mini Booklet
$10.00 US + Shipping