Monday, September 27, 2010

Cutting Cords and Moving On From Heartache

What are cords?
The sharing of energy among individuals is often called "cording". This cord represents a life supportive tubing which energetically connects two individuals together. Babies are born with a cord attaching them to their mothers, this is natural. Typically the mother or sometimes the child will cut the cord, when it is no longer necessary.

In relationships there are two types of cords which people can get confused. We have higher cords which can never be cleared or broken and are positive. However, we also have emotional cords which these can be cleared as well as any psychic debris attached to them. These are the cords we will be talking about in this blog. People often worry that if a cord is cleared it means it will cause a huge ending, but even in balanced relationships, people can regularly clear their cords to free themselves of psychic emotional debris and this can help their relationships, rather than harms them.
We create cords that attach at different parts of our body. When we interact with others, cords are created between both people, especially when the interaction is emotionally based, or the relationship is long term. You also cord once you are sexually intimate with a person. 
Cords operate regardless of distance and can continue to be active long after a relationship has ended.

When the energy flowing through a cord is positive and balanced a relationship is probably healthy; however when it is only flowing in one direction, or what is going through it is negative, the result is emotional psychological or physical problems. Ending relationships is difficult. It doesn't matter if you were the person who walked away or if someone else left you, a loss is felt either way. It is especially painful if a relationship ends without closure. Unfortunately, often times when people "breakup" what they don't realize is that they may very well still have cords attached. The intact cord keeps an open channel for continuous feeding on each others emotions and anxieties. Some common feelings when a cord needs to be cut can involve: feeling drained after dealing with someone, feeling emotional imbalanced after dealing with that person or thinking of them, not being able to get the person out of your thoughts even when you want to. Cutting cords can be part of the solution.
How To Cut Cords Using EFT - Mandy's Method
This technique came from a course I learned called "Awakening the Light Body". It incorporated EFT with forms of spiritual healing. Working on a psychic site, the primary type of client who came to me for help was often a client who felt distress over a love situation not working out, or not knowing whether one should move on or wait for an ex to come back. EFT can be used on both issues and even for issues that are not relationship related.

In the case of clearing cords over a lost love or relationship, I would clear and connect with source, then clear any negative energies. A script to use as an example for how to use EFT to clear the energy field is here >> . Then to clear cords I just use the same method more indepth. If you know muscle testing you can test percentages to how clear a cord is. If you wish to use a card deck instead of muscle testing for blocks to clearing cords, I have a free online version here>> . A video demonstration I used is below.

The next step would be to tap out the issues and feelings of loss, be they sadness, unworthiness, pain, confusion, loss, abandonment, regret, guilt, unforgiveness, anger or anything else. For "how-to" articles and videos on EFT see here >> .

How To Cut Cords - Lori's Method
A person’s intention when cutting a cord is actually more important than the technique used. Focus your energy and intention on the cord being cut rather than getting the technique “right”. If you are too focused on the technique,  it can take away from the power you have by keeping your intention to cut the cord clear and strong. Having clear intentions will assist you greatly in cutting the cord. Before cutting cords make sure you are relaxed and focused.
To begin, you typically know if you have cords that need to be cut. If you aren’t sure, you can always use a pendulum to make sure you have negative cords; you can even use the pendulum and ask about different body parts to see where the cord is attached. A good place to start is to ask if the cord is attached at a chakra, if you get a yes, go through all the chakras and find out which one are being affected. Once you know you can cut the cords. Some people cut cords from their head to their toes, in front and back just to make sure they have gotten all the cords, this works really well, especially if you are sure of the exact location.
The method I like best is called Ho'oponopono which means to make right, it is part of Huna practices. The reason I like this exercise is because it involves forgiving and letting go of the person emotionally before you cut the cords. Therefore the cord cutting will be more effective and you probably will not reattach the cords.
  1. Think of the person you want to cut cords with
  2. Visualize a stage in front of you. Now imagine that person on the stage
  3. Imagine an infinite source of love and healing flowing from a source above the top of your head (from your Higher Self), and open up the top of your head, and let the source of love and healing flow down inside your body, fill up the body, From your heart cover the person in light (yes this can be a challenge, but you don’t typically want to harm the person).
  4. Now have a discussion with the person and forgive them, and have them forgive you.
  5. Next, let go of the person, and see them floating away. As they do, cut the cord that connects the two of you. You can do this by using a dagger or just your hand moving it straight up and down 3 times and visualize the cords being cut.
  6. Then see if you can think of the person without feeling any negative emotions. If you do feel negative emotions when you do, then do the process again.
Another effective method is to visualize the person in front of you imagine the cords and using your fingers like they are scissors begin cutting the cords, you can also say I release (name of person) and let you go. When you are done, you should feel some clarity in your thoughts, or a sense of being lighter.
Whatever method you use make sure at the end you visualize your end of the cord going back into your body, and then seal it with white light. This will help keep the other person from recording you!

Some Practical Tips When Moving On From A Loss
If you are trying to move on with your life, cutting cords is very helpful, but you made need some other strategies too.

Lori's Tips
  1. Try removing all of the other person’s belongings and things they gifted you from you immediate presence. Try putting it in boxes and leaving the boxes alone for at least three months. Then you can decide if you want to keep anything from the box.
  2. When you think of that person, say delete, and keep saying it until that thought has gone. Repeat as often as you think of them.
Mandy's Tips
  1. I believe people hang on when they interrupt the mourning process or try to shut it down in ways. So definitely FEEL the feelings and allow for at least a week or two of mourning without trying to shut the process down. This should be a time your just feeling the loss of your relationship. Try not to run away from it or to go into hoping for it to return, just focus on dealing with your feelings and use EFT if you wish to tap if it gets too painful.There is a difference between feeling feelings, suppressing them and wallowing. If you find yourself wallowing (going weeks and weeks hurting over someone), its likely your not letting the mourning process complete in a natural way or to feel and process certain other feelings brought up by the break up.
  2. Listen to the signals. If you ex isn't contacting you back with calls or if they are telling you to leave them alone then give them space. Even if you have had ten psychics tell you he wants you back, try not to go into hope too much and allow what enfolds to enfolds respecting your ex's boundaries and again letting the mourning process complete uninterrupted.
  3. Try not to get too many psychic readings. It interrupts the mourning process or a normal flow of events or ask the right questions like how to heal, what to focus on, how to move on, rather than if he will come back, still has feelings for you etc.
  4. Don't forget to have fun. If your starting to go into over two weeks of feeling heartache, then time to do something different to change some energy around and to shift it. Try getting more exercise, going out for walks, changing the furniture around in the house, getting rid of mommentos or whatever you don't need anymore, turn some music on and sing, dance, or whatever feels spontaneous. Some people resist doing this saying they don't feel like it, and it keeps them stuck. After a certain amount of mourning if you continually feel down, you might have to fake it first. The energy is stuck, so do something different from your normal routine to get some different energy going.
  5. Forget the whole "I feel him in my energy" argument. That's not relevant to anything and again blocks the mourning process from resolving itself and keeps a person stuck in focusing on the other person. Yes, you can sometimes pick up others energy, and yes, they may think of you, but there is a difference between the person thinking of you and being able to have a relationship that you want or to want you back. I've seen women hang on for years due to this thinking. Focus on your own energy, feel your own feelings, ask that that persons energy be cleared and then focus on #6.
  6. Visualization is important. The more you visualize wanting your ex back or about the ex in thinking about him, the more you hold that energy as something you want in your life and that includes all its patterns, any unrequited love themes, abuse or anything else. So, when you are separating from someone and aren't sure is it over completely or still want them to come back and change it is still  allowing you to create a space for new energy to come in either with the ex or someone new. I just tell clients to focus on what they want in a partner and not put a face on it, that way you aren't drawing the same energy to fix again but a new energy to you in the same package or a new one...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Clearing and Balancing the Chakras (Part 3)

Techniques for Clearing & Balancing The Chakras

Once you know the Chakras you want to clear and balance (or you may wish to just do a quick clearing and balancing on all of them), you can move towards employing one of the below techniques. If you have a technique of your own, feel free to share and write us about it at

Lori's Methods:
Ways to clear and balance:
  1. Lie down and focus your thoughts and energy one chakras at a time. Imagine a shape of a funnel moving in a circular motion counterclockwise. Imagine the colour of the chakra in the funnel. Visualize this until you can’t any longer. Then move onto to the next chakra and repeat the same process. Continue until you have gone through all the chakras.
  2. Using stones, place a stone from your root chakra on your root chakra. Mentally direct the stone to correct any imbalances. When you feel the chakra is balanced, sometimes this can be associated with feeling restless, then remove the stone and repeat for all other chakras.
  3. Using your hand or an amega wand create a circular shape at each charka at least five times. Have the intention to clear and balance the chakra. If you feel the urge to do more circle trust your intuition and do more to clear that chakra. Repeat individually at each chakra.

Mandy's Methods

1. EFT: I find the best method for people to use to clear their chakras, especially if they don't feel overly psychic or skilled as a healer, is simply to use EFT. I learned about how to use EFT to clear chakras from a wonderful course called "Awakening The Light Body" by Melissa Dormoy.  For my blog with a script on how to use EFT to clear the energy field and chakras is here >>. A video is below (refresh page if video doesn't load):

EFT to clear the Chakras

Whispers From Spirit Radio | MySpace Video

2. Pendulum: A second technique I learned was using a pendulum and as Lori describes the wand above you can put the wand on a string or dental floss and use it as the pendulum over the chakras or you can simply use a regular pendulum. I get most of my pendulums on ebay and they are less than 20$ each and also some beautiful ones with reiki symbols on them, I found here >>

Some chakras are difficult to clear spinning the pendulum over them, so I usually simply use a pillow and imagine that is my body. I would place the pendulum over the crown charka for example (via intention using the pillow or you dont even need the pillow) and spin it clockwise or counterclockwise, there are people who will say the direction matters but i think it is more the intention, and I will state my intention that my crown chakra be cleared, balanced and healed of all energetic defects, that it is spinning the right direction, right color and speed. I ask my energy body to give me a signal through the pendulum when this process is complete by giving me a nod (the pendulum will start swinging forwards and backwards instead of in a circle).  Then, I move to the next chakra. One can also use muscle testing to check percentages for what is cleared. Before even doing this process it is always good to use the pendulum in the same manner to first ask that one be clear and connected to source and clear of any interference, spinning the pendulum and asking your energy or source to let you know when the clearing and connecting process is complete.

Recommended Books On Chakras and Chakra Healing

Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith

Chakra Balancing: A Guide to Healing & Awakening Your Energy Body by Anodea Judith

Change Your Aura, Change Your Life: The Complete Meditation Guide by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

The Chakra Energy Cards, The Book and Card Set by Walter Luebeck

Clearing and Balancing the Chakras (Part 2)

Using Energy Techniques To Detect Chakra Imbalances

Lori Kay's Method for detecting Chakra Imbalances:
  1. First and foremost trust yourself and your intuition. If it you feel balanced you probably are.
  2. Using your hands place them together like you are clapping now gently pull them apart about an inch or two. Try to fell the energy, play with this until you feel confident that you can feel the energy. Once you can, think about each chakra individually and allow you hands to move a part from each other that will measure your chakras. All chakras should measure approximately the same. If one is measuring smaller then is being stiffed or there is a block. If it measure to big then it is out of balance and needs to be brought into alignment with the others. You might want to use this method before and after a clearing or balancing to ensure everything is in alignment   

    Mandy's Suggestions and Tips detecting Chakra Imbalance:

    Some of the below suggestions, other than muscle testing, were techniques I learned about from an amazing course called "Chios Energy Field Healing". I wasnt crazy about the attunements but the course manuals (which are free right now to download) offered an abundance of tips and information on both the chakras system, its potential defects, conditions of the energy field in general and how to treat it.
    1. Muscle Testing (aka Applied Kinesiology): It is often effective if you need quick answers and you don't feel as "psychic" in other ways. You can also detect things you might miss using intution if running through the list of imbalancess and states and testing for each one. It is also effective for detecting what is called "psychological reversal" (unconscious behavior patterns/beliefs which cause self-sabotage), which might block a person from overcoming a particular problem. See here for "how-to's" of two muscle testing methods further down this blog.
    2. Physical sensing using the hands (called "passing-of-hands"): This is where you run your hands over a persons body (not on it but slightly above it) and physically sense the energy with your hands, feeling where the energy dips or peaks or differs in texture or vibration or temperature. Sometimes the hands will start to itch, heat up, cool down or experience pains over certain positions or chakras, sometimes things are picked up empathically through the entire body while the hands are over a certain part of the body. More Information >>
    3. Sensing the condition of the aura and chakras through the reception of psychic information and guidance: This is done by rather than looking at the body, one forms an outline of the body in one's minds eye and then let go of the thinking mind and allow intuitive information and images to come to surface upon that outline without blocking it with the thinking mind. More information and techniques how too >>
    4. Viewing the aura: seeing the aura for yourself which most people can do if they teach themselves to and consciously acknowledge its presence. More Information >>
    5. Chakra Cards: I've used Walter Luebecks Chakra Cards  and also created my own EFT deck with chakra features which can be found online here>>

     A few things you can see if you can detect or muscle test for:
    • Blocked Chakras - places where energy flow through a chakra becomes blocked or restricted and which can affect the energy flow in the entire body. They usually coincide with psychological issues...certain self-defense mechanism, beliefs or biases a person has adopted in their relationship to reality
    • Undercharged Chakras: Will appear faded and are not operating in a strong, healthy and pure manner.  More information >>
    • Structural Energetic Defects: defects in the structure of the chakra and it's ability to process energy. "This sort of defect is not a lack of quantity or lack of purity in the basic native energy of the chakra (as in an undercharged chakra), nor is it a basic over- or under-activity of the chakra as it “runs” (as in an unbalanced chakra)". More information >>
    • Unbalanced Chakras: Over-active and Under-active chakras which the issue is if the chakra is transmuting too much or too little of the energy. "This defect is not a lack nor purity of the native energy content of the chakra (as in an undercharged chakra), but is an incorrect level of activation—an overall activity level of the chakra which is not equal to and in balance with the other chakras in the chakra system." More information >> has amazing downloadable manuals for learning how to view and treat the chakras, layers of the energy field and other energy field issues. You do not have to buy the course if you just simply want to use the information from the manuals.

    Muscle Testing Methods

    Standing Muscle Testing:

    • Step 1: Ensure that you are fully hydrated and are not hungry. Have a glass of water and eat something if you feel your blood sugar is low.
    • Step 2: If you believe in God, Creator or Higher Self, you may wish to do your own prayer or invocation to ask to be connected, such as "The creator and I are One"
    • Step 3: While not necessary, some resources offer that standing facing north with your knees slightly bent gives the best result. However, I find just using intention to be clear while facing any direction can be just as good.
    • Step 4: Make an intention to yourself that your body will lean forward to indicated a yes response and lean backward to indicate a no response. Try to keep your ego out of the way by maintaining a neutral frame of mind towards the answer. To check to see if your muscle testing is accurate, first start with your name. Say "my name is {your name}. Let go of your body and mind a little and see if it leans forward for yes. Then trying saying out loud "my name is {fill in some other name that is not your name}" , let your body and mind go a little and see if your body begins leaning backward for no. If the answer is not accurate, ensure you are thoroughly hydrated, try some of the energy correction techniques further down below and repeat the steps above.
    • Step 5: If clear, start asking the questions you wish to ask using the muscle testing. If you are unsure of an answer, try asking; "Is this the correct answer according to source".

    Finger Muscle Testing Technique: 

    Demonstration video here >>

    To perform this method, start with the thumb and forefinger of one hand pinched in the shape of an eye.

    Muscle Testing Closed Position
    Then, use your right forefinger as a wand and insert it into the eye almost as deep as your second knuckle on your finger.
    Muscle Testing Yes Response
    Now, once you have formed a yes/no statement or question in your mind, state it and then use you use your right forefinger as a wand, lightly sweeping it through where your left hand fingers are pinched together. Like a sword sweeping through a joint where a twig meets a branch. You want to know if the sword will break through that joint, or if it will it stop at the joint because the twig and branch connection is too strong for it to break? You want to keep your left hand fingers pinched together in a strong but relaxed manner. Try not to let your mind interfere. Try to abstain from judgment regarding if the answer should be true/false, yes/no. If your finger is able to sweep through the connected fingers, like below picture, it is a "no" cause your pinched fingers muscles went "weak".
    Muscle Testing No Response
    If your finger does not swipe through (I usually move from left to right), then that is a "yes" response.

    It is not always easy to accurately muscle test oneself if one has an attachment to the outcome. With chakra's, sometimes if you feel stumped with diagnosis, take the pressure off yourself that you have to get everything intuitively "right". You can judge from certain information from part 1 if a chakra might had an issue and simply move to part 3 to techniques for clearing.

    Clearing and Balancing the Chakras (Part 1)

    Energy flows through all our chakras. When breaks or changes in the energy occur it can lead to imbalances in many aspects of our bodies including our chakras. This can lead to a variety of aliments, feeling and a general sense of feeling off balance.

    When we balance and clear our chakras, we can remove negative energies and blockages in our bodies. It can also enhance personal awareness and clarity in your thoughts. Everyone has different reactions to their charkas being balanced. Some people talk about feeling of being lighter and happier, while others say it is more subtle and difficult to notice.

    There are many chakras in or around our bodies. However, there are 7 basic ones which most people focus on clearing.

    The Seven Basic Charkas and How to Know When They Are Out Of Balance 

    Root Chakra

    The 1rst Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is connected to our etheric body, and its purpose is kinesthetic feelings and movement. It governs family, survival, social order, grounding, stability and self-esteem. The spiritual lessons of this chakra, include many of the lessons of the material world.  It is our sense of feeling at home and secure in the world.  Some people say it’s the center of manifestation. This chakra's color is red.

    How to tell when unbalanced: When the root chakra is unbalanced, you experience eating disorders, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, exhaustion, degenerative arthritis or issues with the kidneys, lower legs, lower section of the spinal cord, feet and rectum. Emotionally, you may feel anxious, insecure, depressed or experience rigid thought patterns or shock. Other symptoms of problems with the root chakra include spaceyness, forgetfulness and other symptoms of feeling a lack of grounding.

    Bringing the Root Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: peppermint, sandalwood juniper
    Flower Essences: corn, clematis, red chestnut, cherry plum or aspen
    Stones: Ruby, hematite, black tourmaline, onyx, garnet, bloodstone
    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of C

    Sacral Chakra

    The 2nd Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra is located at the area of the lower abdomen, navel and areas of the genitals and womb. It is connected to our emotional body, and its purpose is our emotional connection with others. It governs our experiences with intimacy, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, our magnetism. The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with creativity, manifestation, rejection vs acceptance, honoring relationships, learning to "let go" and to lesson our control issues. The chakra's color is orange.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include low back pain, sciatica, issues with the reproductive system, pelvic pain, impotence, issues with libido or frigidity, urinary problems, kidney problems or  bladder problems. Emotionally, you may feel blame, guilt, impatience, manipulative, or obsessed. Your creativity may feel blocked. You may have emotional issues around power, control, money or sex.

    Bringing the Sacral Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: peppermint, sandalwood, juniper, orange blossom, bergamot, jasmine
    Flower Essences: indian paintbrush, hibiscus, willow, gorse
    Stones: carnelian, moonstone, coral, orange tourmaline
    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of D

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    The 3rd Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus is located above the navel in the center of the torso. It is connected to our mental body and its purpose is towards the mental understanding of our emotional life. It governs our confidence, our sense of our own power, our self esteem, our self worth, and our self-will. The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with acceptance of our place in the stream of life. The chakra's color is yellow.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include ulcers, adrenal imbalances, diabetes, hypoglycemia, digestive disorders, arthritis and pancreatitis. The areas of the body that this chakra rules include upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines and stomach.  Emotionally, when this chakra is out of balance, you may feel depressed, indecisive, low self esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears or even paranoia of secrets being exposed.You may also feel prone to greed and anger.

    Bringing the Solar Plexus Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: Young Living oils Humility and Forgiveness, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon
    Flower Essences: chamomile, golden yarrow, peppermint, honeysuckle
    Stones: amber, topaz, yellow citrine, rutilated quartz, sunstone, yellow tigers eye, jasper , golden topaz

    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of E

    Heart Chakra

    The 4th Chakra, also known as the Heart Charka is located in the center of the chest. It is connected to our astral body and its purpose is towards our emotional empowerment . It governs our ability for caring, loving, forgiveness, compassion and healing. The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with forgiveness, unconditional love, letting go, trust, compassion. The chakra's color is green.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include heart conditions, asthma, lung & breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, shoulder problems. The areas of the body that this chakra rules include heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands.  Emotionally, when this chakra is out of balance, you may feel sorry for yourself, indecisive, have fear of letting go, sensitivity to being hurt or unworthy of love. Other emotional states associated with an out of balance heart chakras include issues with compassion or lack of confidence, inspiration or hope, or feelings of despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy or anger.

    Bringing the Heart Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: frankinsense, bergamot, rose, geranium
    Flower Essences: holly, poppy, wild rose, beech
    Stones: jade, watermelon tourmaline, malachite, emerald, rose quartz, adventurine
    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of F

    Throat Chakra

    The 5th Chakra, also known as the Throat Charka is located at the junction where the throat and the chest meet, the V of the collorbone. It is connected to our etheric template body and its purpose is towards our learning to take responsibility for one's own needs. It governs communication, creativity and expression (both communication wise and of our identity and personal truth). The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with personal integrity, faith, being true to ourselves and the ability to surrender our personal will over to a higher will or purpose. The chakra's color is blue.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis,  voice problems, gum or tooth problems, TMJ . The areas of the body that this chakra rules include thyroid, neck, shoulder, esophagus, trachea, arms and hands, teeth gums and mouth. Emotionally, when this chakra is out of balance, you may suffer addictions, may not own your own power, may compromise yourself or who you are, or you may feel stuck because you can’t express yourself.

    Bringing the Throat Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: geranium, chamomile, lavendar, cypress
    Flower Essences: heather, cosmos, trumpet vine, larch
    Stones: turquoise, aquamarine, chrysocola lapis, blue opal, angelite
    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of G


    Third Eye Chakra

    The 6th Chakra, also known as the Third Eye Charka is located at the center of the head right above eye level. It is connected to our celestial body and its purpose is towards development ideas, insight and mind development. It governs intuition, visualization and open-mindedness. The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with detachment, having an open mind and seeing things clearly. The chakra's color is indigo.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include headaches, brain tumors, strokes, blindness / blurred vision, mineres, deafness, nightmares, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal dysfunctions, panic, depression. The areas of the body that this chakra rules are pineal glad, eyes, ears, nose, brain, neurological system and pituitary gland. Emotionally, when this chakra is out of balance, you may fear seeing the truth of a situation, worry obsessively, or you may fear success. You may be egotistical, not trust your judgment, not have clear view of reality, or you may suffer hallucinations or confusion.You may not be able to visualize clearly for yourself.

    Bringing the Third Eye Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: rose, eucalyptus
    Flower Essences: wild oat, clematis, aspen, queen anne's lace, madia
    Stones: lapis lazuli, quartz, star sapphire, purple flourite, sugalite

    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of A

    Crown Chakra

    The 7th Chakra, also known as the Crown Charka is located at the top of the head. It is connected to our ketheric body and its purpose is towards higher knowing, connection to spirituality and integration of the whole. It governs higher self and higher understanding. The spiritual lessons of this chakra include lessons having to do with living in the present and connection to source. The chakra's color is violet or white.

    How to tell when unbalanced: Physical symptoms of imbalance may include chronic exhaustion, sensitivity to light, sound, environment, and diseases of the muscular system, skeletal system and skin. The areas of the body that this chakra rules are skin, muscles, pituitary cerebral cortex, and central nervous system. Emotionally, when this chakra is out of balance, you may feel disconnected, depressed, unable to see a higher purpose, alienated, constant sense of frustration, destructive feelings, no joy.

    Bringing the Crown Chakra back into balance: apart from performing various forms of chakra clearing and balancing techniques, certain stones, flower essences, oils and even sound healing can be used to bring the chakra back into balance: Elements or tones that correspond with this chakra center are: 

    Oils: dream catcher (Living Young Oils), lavender, frankinsense, clary sage
    Flower Essences: water violet, lotus, angelica, star tulip
    Stones: amethyst, diamonds, moldavite

    Tuning Fork/Sound: note of B